A social media skeptic

Push everything off the table, flip them, shake them up: what I like to do with the CVs and cover letters, the effort I made for nothing.

Why, I mean, do people have to ALL go online to get a job? Okay, I know the answers – it’s the only way to get visibility worldwide, and in today’s connectivity and globalization, that’s how people get to know you, just as plain as how the Earth spin around its axis. But nooo, I’m so over with selling myself over the Internet. I hate to my bone the process of building an online portfolio, just to realize that there are thousands of others with higher profiles and my education or work experience cannot overtake them. I hate hunting for jobs online, getting thrilled at favorite positions, spending hours perfecting cover letters, waiting for weeks just to receive nothing at all. It feels all for naught.

Somewhere in the process I found excitement, faith but it all came down to disheartenment, distress and self-doubt in the end. I want to shout out to all employers in the world (at least in the travel and tourism industry, those who didn’t respond to me) that:”You’re missing out on the most dedicated and commited young travel professional there are! It’s your loss!”. Well, that’s when my mood has recovered from the mourning post-applying. When I was still at the frustrating state, I would creep:”Why don’t you take me on? I’m this good, why can’t you people see that?”. Humh, pathetic little undergrad.

It’s quite ironic though, to detest social media and the way it digitalize everything now (even your opportunity to land on a job) while taking this course: Digital cultures, digital economy. In fact, this blog (my first attempt ever) is because of the module assessment. I know it’s important, necessary and essential. You probably can’t survive the competition out there without digital competence, can you? But oh, what if I’m not made to be sold on social media? What if I can’t function in front of a camera, acting, pitching and inteviewing in front of that stony lense? Why can’t I just go to your store and have a normal interview? Okay, I know. It’s time, energy and money consuming. You first need proof that I’m worth interviewing, don’t you?

Now that we mention the hiring process, I want to know how you shortlist CVs and cover letters. I want to know why I’m not chosen. Am I rejected or just ignored? For what reasons do you think I’m not cut out for the job? For I feel like sitting an exam without ever getting the grades nor the feedbacks.

I will have to start hunting for an internship position soon, which again, seems most daunting than ever. But I shall not be held back. Will I ever get hired? On LinkedIn?